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Passengers boarding a GO train

On the GO Alerts

Stay in the know while on the GO.
Passengers boarding a GO train

On the GO Alerts

Stay in the know while on the GO.

Alerts when they matter most

Real-time alerts

With On the GO Alerts, you can stay informed about important updates related to your trip in real-time. Simply set the notification and forget about consistently checking for updates on your web browser. Whether you are heading downtown or navigating a new city, simple set and forget.

Real-time alerts

Stay up-to-date, 24/7

Be prepared for your trip anytime of day with 24/7 automatic updates related to your trip. With On the GO alerts, receive timely notifications about any changes or disruptions that may affect your travel plans, such as delays, track changes, cancellations, or traffic congestion impacting service.

Stay up-to-date

Custom alerts

Whether you want to know about upcoming schedule changes or want to be the first to learn about exclusive deals, opting in to On the GO Alerts is a great way to ensure you're always up-to-date and in the know regarding the trips that matter most to you.

Custom alerts

Why Sign Up for On the GO Alerts?

Log into your account to explore the new features and customize your settings to best match them to when you travel.